Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Vanilla Frosting Fail

If you're ever having a bad day and need a good laugh, I give to you...

The cake itself turned out wonderfully.  The frosting... not so much.  After adding over 1.25lbs of confectioner's sugar to thicken it, I gave up and just slathered it on.

Maybe next time I'll choose the 4 sticks of butter buttercream frosting over 2/3 cup of Crisco.  *shudder*

UPDATE: Apparently, this recipe asked for 1 (2lbs) box of confectioner's sugar.  Not 1 (1lbs) bag.  Whoops...  It is really tasty too!!

1 comment:

  1. Whatever, I don't even care, that looks delicious.

    You need to dye it red next time and add decorations on top and call it lava frosting!
